Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Carol Sanchez Morgan Update

Where do you currently reside? Still living in Southern California in the city of Brea
Marital Status- Married
Number of Children- 4

Jessica 23, full time student, waitress and intern at a Genetics lab. Jessica will graduate from University of Fullerton with her BA this summer and will be transferring to USC (University of Southern California) for her Master’s (Genetic Science.) Hopefully she will find the cure for the Common cold or Cancer either would make me proud

Daniel 21, Full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, serving in the Philadelphia PA Mission 11/09-11/11

Kelsey 19, Sometimes student, hostess at a high end restaurant, and world traveler. Kelsey’s highest ambition is to see the entire world by 25. Currently she has 3 passport stamps and more delta miles then you’d imagine for a 19 year old. She only works to pay for her vacations.

Madison 8, last but not least is the tail end of our Journey my “I want just one more” She has just finished the second grade and is moving on to third, she has 5 parents (older brother and sisters are more like parents) and takes everything in stride. She is the center of everyone’s life and is the most down to earth kid you’ll ever meet.

Current Occupation and/or Spouse's Current Occupation- Recently completed my 15th year with the Disneyland Resort and despite having worked 15 years for the company I have not had the pleasure of working inside of Disneyland. (I’ll do that when I retire) I currently work in the Cast Scheduling office, managing about 60 CM’s who produce and maintain the schedules for the 4000 Food and Beverage Cast Members in the park. It definitely keeps me busy
what would surprise people most about you?- Nothing, I’m pretty much the same girl I was in high school (hopefully that’s good) I love the quite life we lead, I have great friends and have had an a relatively smooth 43 years.

What is your favorite High School memory?- Don’t know if it’s my favorite, but definitely my most memorable. During the senior prank (gone bad) Scott Thomas and I were caught “breaking and entering” the HS after hours. We were interrogated and threatened with expulsion, and I was told I would not be able to walk at graduation. My Mom was called and all she could say was “I expected this from your brother” Luckily all turned out well, no charges were filed and I was able to walk with the class. Whose idea was it to re-arrange the library anyway?

Most interesting thing you’ve done in the last 25 years? Survived raising teenage kids! Why doesn’t anybody teach you that in school? Luckily I have great kids, so I’m sure I haven’t had it as hard as some, but I now understand why animals eat their young.

Greatest accomplishment or honor in the last 25 years? It may sound cheesy, but being a mom to 4 amazing kids who are productive members of society is my greatest accomplishment. I feel like I gave (and will give) the world adults who want to help make this a better place, what else can you ask for?

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