Wednesday, June 30, 2010

LeAnn (Hatley) Gottlieb Update

Where do you currently reside?

Eagle Mountain, UT-about 6 miles west of Lehi.

Marital Status- Married

Number of Children-6 (three boys and three girls) plus one son-in-law:

Danielle is 22 and works at UofU (her adorable husband Ryan joined our family last August) Kendra is almost 21 and just finished her Associate’s Degree and plans to go right back for her Bachelor’s in Social Work, Brendon is 15 (why didn’t someone warn me that BOYS get PMS worse than girls?) Landon is 13, Noah is 8 and Hannah is 6 going on 30.

Current Occupation and/or Spouse's Current Occupation- Mine is full time Mom and part time custom quilter, hubby is the Senior Network Engineer/Security Guru for an international company based in Sandy, UT.

What would surprise people most about you?- The number of years I’ve managed to avoid incarceration in a mental institution?

What is your favorite High School memory?- It’s so hard to choose! State Championship ranks right up there, filling Jared Casper’s locker with popcorn on his birthday, Cole Baldwin as “Spiderman”, Chamber Singers, putting throat lozenges inside the horn in Cindy Carter’s van after a football tailgate party, sending out boxes of Valentines (with Pauleen Stucki) to everyone we knew but signing them from OTHER people and then watching the mayhem….good times…

Most interesting thing you’ve done in the last 25 years?-

Another hard one considering that some people find their own belly button lint interesting… oh, hey….sparkly object…

I survived a divorce. I survived dating as the single mother of four kids…(should THAT go under “greatest accomplishment”?) I married someone I “met on the internet”, got to work and travel and hang out with former Miss America Sharlene Wells Hawks, met Gold Medal Olympian Sarah Hughes the night after she won and had her call and talk to my kids on the phone, and I’ve had dinner with 10 Buddhist monks and a Lama from Tibet. But my kids will tell you I’m old AND booooooooooooooooooooring.

Greatest accomplishment or honor in the last 25 years?-

When you grow up with all of you guys and graduate with the coolest class to ever attend Snake River High School…it’s all pretty much downhill from there!

Every once in a while I’m fairly certain that surviving has been my greatest accomplishment and that everything God has blessed me with (or carried me through kicking and screaming) has been an honor. (Ok…so only when my meds are current but that’s something right?) I have six great, smart, hilarious, children that call me “Mom”, a husband who fell in love with me because I could quote both Pinky and the Brain AND Monty Python, a beautiful home, no debt except our mortgage (Jim Dishman knows the secret to this) and a wicked smart Jack Russell terrier named Milo. What more could anyone want?

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