Thursday, June 24, 2010

Barbara Hill Chatterton Update

I currently live in La Center, WA....a small town about 15 miles north of Portland, OR. Lucky to live out in the country on a small piece of beautiful property.

Married to a WONDERFUL younger guy (OK...he's only a 1 1/2 younger, but love to play out the "Cougar" role) Craig and I have been married almost 14 years, but together over 20.

Children? nope, nadda, zip-o....we seem to do better with pets(mostly rescue). I have to say they don't live near long enough, my heart has been broken more than a few times and Craig says I'm running out of room for pet urns.

I work as a Registered Dental Hygienist (aka...toothfairy) for a fabulous dentist in Vancouver. I went back to school for my second degree in the mid 90's and couldn't have found a better fit. I love giving people beautiful smiles and love my patients and the friendships I have gained over the years with them. I seem to give or get 8 hours of talk therapy really is a rewarding career. My husband Craig works for Simplot as a Sales Manager for the Pacific Northwest Territory of Industrial Chemicals...hence he travels quite a bit of the time. More than one person has said I could live a double life...but he has my heart!

What would surprise you about me? I have a pretty good sense of humor that somehow developed after high school....and maybe that I got my belly button pierced for my 40th birthday.

Favorite High School Memory.....weight lifting class! Hanging out with all the buff guys...was I smart or what?

Most interesting thing I've done in the last 25 years....kayaked the Broken Islands off the coast of Vancouver Island in B.C.

Greatest accomplishment/honor in the last 25 years.....going back to school for my second college degree in Dental Hygiene and graduating at the top of my class...actually got the "Golden Scaler" award....and you only thought I was kidding about being the toothfairy!

It is hard to believe that 25 years have passed since our "Glory Days"....wish more people could make it to the reunion. Life is short and friendships are everything. My memories of SRHS are surprisingly vivid when I reach back in my mind. Every now and then I'll have a great/funny dream that involves being back in high school, walking the hallways with everyone, not remembering my locker combination and dissecting frogs in Mr. Martin's class! We were lucky to have grown up in such a great era....I really can say I love all of all somehow made me who I am today. Thanks! 

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